Senior Spotlight: Daniel George

Daniel George wears a grey hoodie and khaki pants

Daniel George

Credit: Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING, Pa. 丹尼尔·乔治完成了他在赌博平台大全的所有学业目标, leadership and service. 他将上台接受机械工程学士学位, with a minor in mathematics applications, at 10 a.m.5月4日星期六,在雷丁的桑坦德体育馆举行的学院毕业典礼上.  

乔治是费城人,在来伯克斯之前,他在十大正规赌博平台大全阿宾顿分校开始了他的学业. 他说,除了伯克商学院提供机械工程学位之外, 他被该校较小的班级规模和靠近费城的地理位置所吸引. 

“I enjoy the smaller classes; they allow you to get to know people better,” George commented. “It’s been a great experience.” 

During his time at the college, 乔治采取主动,在课堂内外建立了许多有价值的关系.  

乔治即将成为宾州州立大学柏克分校第一个辅修数学应用的学生, offered through Penn State Altoona. 他解释说,他选择辅修是因为他想对与他的领域相关的话题有更深入的了解.  


乔治也主动联系了机器人成像公司的费城办事处, 为工程师和建筑师提供高质量的激光扫描和BIM扫描服务的全国性供应商. He wanted to volunteer at the company. 他们同意了,乔治给他们留下了深刻的印象,第二年夏天他们给了他实习的机会.  

“能够与公司各个方面的人直接互动是非常有益的,” commented George. “他们欢迎我,让我把事情弄清楚,让我成长.” 

George stated that during his internship, 在课堂上学习之前,他自学了Fusion 360,并扩展了他在AutoCAD中创建平面图的知识. 

在校园里,乔治通过他的领导能力和社区服务建立了更多的联系. 他复兴了“人行道计划”,这是一个学生服务组织. 乔治担任主席,并开始招募学生,直到他们有八名成员被认可为正式的学生俱乐部.  

In the last year under George’s leadership, the Pavement Project held a clothing drive, 与社区援助旧货店和捐赠中心合作. They also sponsored a movie night with a raffle; proceeds were used to purchase needed supplies for the Reading School District’s Southwest Middle School. 

“我为这个团队和他们所取得的成就感到骄傲,”乔治说. “I’m looking forward to seeing what they do in the future.” 

乔治还担任过学院基督教学生团契的主席. Each year during spring break, 学生组织到贝尔布兰奇的大溪教会进行服务之旅, Kentucky. 大溪宣教会是一个跨宗派的基督教事工中心,致力于将宣教团体与阿巴拉契亚地区的需求联系起来. 

He explained that during his trips, he worked on fixing homes, roofing, and helping out at homeless shelters and food pantries. 

乔治说:“信仰最重要的部分之一就是为他人服务. “我自己能完成的事情很少. Everyone needs a support system to succeed.” 

Growing up in a Christian household, 乔治解释说,他放弃了从小信仰的生活方式,他“重建了与耶稣的关系”."  


Serving as a role model is also important to George, he said. 他是future in Engineering: Role-models Can Empower(悍)的成员。, 一个由工科学生指导初高中学生的学生组织.  

乔治解释说:“人们会受到榜样的鼓舞,我想成为年轻人的榜样。. “I want younger engineering students, especially those from minority backgrounds, to see what they’re capable of. 我想让他们在获得学位之前就认为自己是成功的.” 

由于他的领导和服务,乔治被授予学院的马丁·路德·金奖. Award and the J. Dean Stephans Memorial Award for Student Leadership in 2024. He also received the Howard O., Jr., and Jean S. Beaver Award for Community Service Award in 2023. 

After commencement, 乔治将开始在布伦特伍德工业公司担任工程师, a global provider of thermoformed plastic solutions, in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania.  

Ultimately, he said, 他想把他的大学经验运用到管理岗位上, 作为年轻工程师的导师,鼓励和发展人才. 

When asked how Penn State Berks prepared him for the future, George stated, “我学到了一些我从未想过的技能,比如领导力和为职业做准备. Most of all, I learned about myself.

“It’s been a long, challenging journey. 这段经历会让你变得更强大,这样你就能应对前进道路上的障碍.”